Avoid matching, but avoid clashing too.
Bianca and Cameron’s color theme was blue - you can definitely see that, but they wore complementary shades of blue, as opposed to an exact match. I recommend against wearing the exact same color. Your images would appear one-note and stiff, through no fault of your own or mine. It’s just the way colors work. I don’t, however, recommend wearing opposing colors either or outfits that have extremely busy patterns. We’ve all seen couples wearing some fantastical patterns in movies or on television. Still, I assure you - behind that fashion choice is an army of stylists and an enormous amount of styling knowledge. Definitely more than I have! Your engagement session is not the time to chance a new look. Let’s get the best images of you we can. Choose complementary colors and solid prints. Pick a color palette that works well for both of you, and choose outfits within that palette. You can even wear different shades of the same color for a gently matching effect. This young couple did this exquisitely!